Tuesday, November 16, 2010

à la recherche de musiciens perdu

Another weekend, another fiesta. Ho hum. But this weekend was different, because this weekend we were serenaded by some misplaced musicians. We can only assume that they somehow got lost, though considering that the parade route is generally not especially challenging (Start on one side of the Plaza. Walk to the opposite corner. Turn Around. Repeat.), it is hard to think where they thought they were going. 

Anyway, we heard them coming up the street;

They stopped under our window for a bit;

Then they sort of trailed off. They'd obviously realised that, somewhere along the way, they'd taken a wrong turning.

There was a pause while they conferred, checked their maps, made a few phone calls, then they eventually decided that a dignified exit was the best strategy, and they solemnly turned around and left as if it had been their plan all along;

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