Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy Invasion/Australia Day (delete according to political preference)

Happy 26th of January! I'm not doing anything to mark this, the most sacred of all days. My husband has gone on a boy's holiday to Melbourne, leaving me with my sainted mother for the day. We are making ginger beer, washing the dog, and doing a bit of gardening. And since I'm off booze at the moment, and have returned to my vegan ways, I won't even be having the traditional sausage-and-beer combo for dinner. Instead, I'll be having mineral water and a salad. Wild, crazy days. 

In spite of the appalling humidity, it's a nice enough day. Jet lag is still getting me up pretty early in the morning, and today I had the pleasure of a still, peaceful couple of hours sitting on the front deck with a coffee and the very excellent Paul Kelly autobiography, How to Make Gravy, which I thought was a nicely patriotic gesture. It was a weird, hazy morning, and I had the company of a bunch of strangely subdued lorikeets. I don't know if it was the early morning or the mist, but they were much quieter than I've ever seen them before.

 And also this bird, not sure what it was, but it was much shyer than the lorikeets;

And it was all wonderfully relaxing, right up until the band down at the beach started up. We're about five blocks back from the beach, but because we're sort of perched halfway up the hill we get lots of noise bounced up here. When someone launched into a woefully off key rendition of 'Dont' Stop Thinking About Tomorrow', the lorikeets perked up again, and it quickly became deafening outside, so I retreated to the safety of the kitchen. Still, it was nice while the peace lasted, and I do feel that I've done my bit to appreciate living in Australia. Now I can go back to being generally discontented.

Edited to add a link to this article, which pretty much sums up how I feel about living in Sydney.

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