Sunday, January 30, 2011

Self indulgent Sunday/Monday: last days in London

I've got a few bits and bobs to post about our last couple of weeks in England, which I'll get to eventually. In the meantime, these are just a couple of pictures from our last day in London when we went to the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum. The last couple of pictures are a few random gee-gaws that caught my eye in the course of our perusing. The cow is from Egypt, and I believe it is about 3,000 years old, and I just liked it because it seems like the sort of thing you could quite easily see in a homewares store today, and I like the idea that I have in common with someone from thousands of years ago a love of cow-themed decor. The monkey thing is from Central America, and I don't really remember anything about it other than the fact that Jo had to physically restrain me from sticking it under my coat and taking it home. God I want that monkey thing.Why is life so unfair?

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