Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm not sure if this is brilliant or a reflection of the decadence of our society

but this is my new favourite thing to look at. It's a tumblr called Things Organised Neatly, and it's pictures of (can you guess yet?) things that have been organised neatly. 

Have you had a stressful day? Feel as if your life is spinning out of control as you hurtle headlong into a quarter-life crisis (oh sweet Jesus, I'm another year older and I still don't speak French, or have a drivers license, or understand how to use Facebook)? 

Take the time to peruse some pictures of carrots that have been lined up symmetrically, or at the contents of someone's handbag that have been soothingly arranged by size.

Breathe in. Breathe out. It will all be OK.

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