Thursday, March 31, 2011

music for working and living

I've rediscovered music, which has been just lovely. I used to be a bit of a music nerd, and there was a time when I would go and see a band more or less every weekend. But since I started listening to podcasts on my way to work my interest in music has dropped off a bit.

Over the last few days at work I've spent a lot of time basically just filling in spread sheets and other mindless bits and bobs, and to help pass the time I've been listening to my iPod set on shuffle. And the change to my state of mind has been amazing. I mean, I still hate my job, but since I've reintroduced music into my life I feel much less miserable about it. I never realised how emotionally important it was to me. It doesn't have to be the highest-falutinest stuff, just something that connects for whatever reason. 

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