Friday, March 18, 2011

New goal: stop whining

Don't worry, the maladjusted cynic you know and tolerate isn't going anywhere. But I am sick of hearing myself whine about how much I haaaaaate my job. So today I will be telling you about some other things.

First of all, these fun things from our trip to Canberra a few weekends ago;

You might have to zoom in a bit for this one

Also cheering me up this week; bits of conversations I have overheard on the street, which I can only hope made more sense in context;

  • OH MY GOD! If there was a fire, I would, like, totally die.
  • Man, that's so much better than ten burritos.
  • It was so sad, we had to wrap each other in toilet paper 

All in all, it hasn't been a bad week. I'm starting to hate my job less. I am no longer terrified of the entertainingly unpredictable mood swings of my boss, and I have a work buddy to have my lunch with. I have been to some proper business meetings, like a real live grownup (one of them was with someone at the Art Gallery of NSW, and I have to admit I got a huge kick out of that). I have learned that, while on paper I work five days a week, Fridays are unofficially a write off. Everyone turns up late, we all have lunch in the pub, then we spend the afternoon doing as much work as we are capable after a lunchtime wine, then at four in the afternoon the drinks trolley comes round and we watch TV/play on the arcade games/trawl the internet etc, with impunity. I have learned that the currency of my office is Cheezles, and that if you get in the way of someone trying to get to the Cheezle bowl on a Friday afternoon, you will get your ass knocked down. And I have learned that I can get a later bus to work but still get to the office on time, meaning that I can sleep in for half an hour longer in the mornings.

If it wasn't for the actual work, I would be loving my job.

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