Friday, May 20, 2011

People who have been on the TV do not want to meet you

I'm back from my work trip to the conference about...computers? Or whatever. 

It was on the Gold Coast, the most depressing place on earth. I know it's all sunny and beachy and stuff, but my God is it grim. Nothing but tract housing and golf courses and this abomination. Happily, I was confined to the hotel for the three days I was up there, so there was very little chance I would have to interact with anyone called Tayhnee or Brayndyn.

My role was to stand at our booth and try to get people to sign up to the newsletter, which I did for three days running, from 8:30am to 6pm. I did have five colleagues there (whose names I am still a bit hazy on - in my head I think of them as Shouty Bald Man, Smiley Bald Man, Sad Potato Man, The Earring-Suit and Captain Bland) who were supposed to come and give me a break at points throughout the day, but the only time I saw any of them was when the drinks came out in the evening. But it was fine, I made my own friends and coerced them into bringing me me snacks and freebies from other booths, which they duly did - behold my loot;

And I managed to get myself on the front table for the awards ceremony, right next to The Talent - Tripod and Corrine Grant, who I tipsily introduced myself to; she wrote quite a good article about female comedians and I wanted to tell her I thought it was quite good, but as I started talking to her I suddenly felt embarrassed about accosting someone at random - not because she's been on the telly, just because it feels like an odd thing to do to anyone - and ended up rambling a little bit then trailing off mid sentence. Then I drank some more wine and went to the bar where I made some more friends (or at least got talked at by some people for a while). Then everyone decided to go into Sufers Paradise and keep drinking, and I decided to go to bed. I managed not to embarrass myself or the company, and it all went as well as could be expected. All in all, not a bad junket.

To finish, here are some slogans from t-shirts I saw at the conference, which will give you an idea of the kind people attending;

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