Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Oh Barnaby, you loveable bigot!

How much do you think it would cost to pay someone to follow Barnaby Joyce around with a trumpet, so that every time he says something like this on the topic of gay marriage;

“We know that the best protection for those girls is that they get themselves into a secure relationship with a loving husband and I want that to happen for [my daughters]. I don’t want any legislator to take that right away from me.”

we could have an appropriate sound effect played? I'm thinking something like this.

It reminded me of nothing so much as this brilliant skit;

Gosh Barnaby, you're absolutely right! Women should really focus on finding a man to make sure that they never have to make a decision or have an independent thought, ever. We should be gently cradled, like the delicate flowers that we are, because the big bad world is just too scary for little things like us!

Women, outsource all your thinking to a man, because everyone knows that thinking gives you wrinkles.

But wait a minute, doesn't this mean that a relationship between two men will be even more secure and blissful, because it contains two of nature's most perfectly formed creatures, men?

And, hang on, that last bit that you said seems to suggest that the legislation is designed to actually prevent heterosexual marriages from taking place. You do know it's not an 'either-or' situation, don't you? I mean, it's not like there's a limited number of relationships allowed at any one time, and that just because some dude wants to marry another dude that it's going to mean that a heterosexual couple can't get married. Or maybe it does. I'm no lawyer. 

And what if one your daughters turns out to want to marry a lady? Wouldn't she be overjoyed that her dad had been a major player in changing the laws of this country so that she could do just that?

But what do I know? I'm just a girl. At any rate, you certainly would have given me a lot to think about, if thinking was something I ever engaged in. I'd better go and ask my husband what my opinion should be. 

Fuck sake.

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