Sunday, August 7, 2011

What a recommendation! I'm definitely going to try [product x]!

As anyone who reads this blog knows, I have been having a tiny problem lately with my hair falling out. I have been to see two doctors, have had a range of horrifying tests performed on me, and the conclusion is that it is telogen effluvium, which is basically a fancy way of saying that my hair is falling out. There doesn't seem to be a cause, other than that magical medical catch-all of 'stress'. I think (knock on wood, fingers crossed, please, please, please) that it's slowing down now, but it's still pretty distressing.

I did that thing that you're really not meant to do, and I Googled the condition. I found all sorts of conflicting information, ranging from the hysterical (YOU'RE GOING BALD AAAAAAAHHHHH!) to the reassuring (it's very common, and most people's hair grows back eventually). But my favourite was from one of those Ad-farm piece of crap website that just generate vaguely related text in an effort to get you to click on their site. And this is the first thing I saw;

It's fantastic! I really think you're onto something with this [insert search term]. Thanks for the recommendation Yvonne-definitely-a-real-person-Snell of USA!


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