Saturday, November 6, 2010

I think it's the cow's expression that does it

I recently waxed tedious about my feelings on eating meat, and I think what I have concluded for myself is that I'm OK with the idea of eating meat as long as I am honest with myself about what it is that I am eating. I feel that it is important to remember the link between the cow in the paddock and the steak on your plate. And yet... cartoon animals? I think I'd prefer a picture of an actual cow. And why does it have to look so noble? It looks like the bovine equivalent of one of those post revolutionary posters from soviet Russia showing proud socialists working for the common good. 

But with less actual meat. Boom boom.


  1. So perhaps you'd appreciate Rachel's announcement at meals of "We are eating an animal right now ... Its a cow." Also the great conversation the Chicken announcement bought about with Callum as he tries to follow the path from feathered bird to crumbed nugget with lots of very obvious questions about how one becomes the other.

  2. That's awesome that they make that connection- I can just imagine Rachel saying that, too! Very cute, and very much her personality!
