Saturday, November 6, 2010

Return to San Sebastian

Mum was here over the weekend, and we took a trip out to San Sebastian. This time Jo and I were in much better shape than last time, though the weather was much less sparkly and dazzling;

It was still pretty spectacular - waves were sweeping over the seawall and splashing the unwary and adventurous.

And we managed to get a much better picture of the two of us than last time;

But best of all... we got to go back to the aquarium. I freaking love that aquarium.

The starfish gets it.

Last time we went was a weekday, and it was pretty quiet. This time was it was a wet Saturday afternoon, the place was packed with kids, and it was, well, inspiring, to see how fascinated they were by everything.  Zoos and aquariums are awesome in their own right, but add a bunch of awestruck kids and it takes it to a whole new level - it's hard to be cynical or dismissive when they're being so unselfconsciously enthusiastic about things. The highlight was when a shark swam straight at the glass, resulting in a stampede away from the tank, and terrified screams from the smallest girl in the crowd. But the reaction was mainly reverent silence;

Add to all of that the chance to watch a man cleaning the tanks, which most of the kids found even more interesting as looking at the fish, and you've got the best day's entertainment that twelve euros can buy;

And finally, just because I can't resist acting like an idiot when someone points a camera at me;

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