Saturday, April 23, 2011

Holy gold-toothed Mormon, Batman!

We went out the other night to get some groceries, and as we pulled out of our street and onto the main road (which is quite a steep hill), I saw a man in a short-sleeved white shirt and a tie on a bike coming down the hill quite quickly. Yes, we have Mormans in the neighbourhood, and they seem to be everywhere.

Not that I really care. I'm always polite when they approach me, but I make it clear that I'm not interested, and they tend to wander off. I've given up on saying 'yeah, and we should go round to people's houses and tell them how awesome atheism is!' like it's really clever and funny because 1) it's not clever or funny, and 2) the fact that most atheists don't feel the need for everyone else to think what they think is what separates us from the many of the deeply religious types out there. As an atheist my position is live and let live, just don't try and tell me what I can and can't do with my reproductive organs and we'll get along fine.

Anyway, as he pelted down the hill his bike hit something and stopped dead. The Moman, unfortunately for him, kept going, and flipped quite spectacularly over the handlebars. We screeched to a halt and jumped out of the car to make sure he was OK. He looked a bit sheepish, but was otherwise fine. 

The most striking thing about him were his shiny gold teeth. Mormans obviously make a lot more than I had realised. Either that or there is some religious edict about what colour your false teeth may be. We made sure he and his bike were both OK, and drove off. As we rounded the corner we saw what was obviously his partner in evangelism standing by his bike, looking worried. I waved in a sort of 'he's on his way' fashion, but I don't think he quite understood. 

The End. 

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