Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's like going shopping without spending any money even

I've had a few clothes lying around that have need alterations for anything between a year and a decade, and today being the sort of crappy rainy Sunday that doesn't even let you go on the picnic you all said you'd go on, I finally hauled the bag of unwearable but unthrowawayable clothes out. 

This first one was easy. It was a bit too floofy for my taste (I took this picture after I'd already started de-floofing). All I did was snip some of the extra bits off.


I think I'll actually wear this now, so I'm pleased with that effort. 

The next one was slightly trickier in that it has a mildly pleated skirt, meaning it was a bit on the fiddly side. I brought it a fit of environmentalism - it's made of bamboo fibers, which is apparently much more sustainable than cotton - but it was really long, down almost to mid-calf, and it just made me look a bit matronly.



This looks huge now that I see the photo. I swear it's not as bulky as it looks. I took a good hand-width's worth of fabric off the bottom, and I'm really happy with it now. Instead of looking like a hippie's widow's weeds, it now looks like a swishy little party dress. 

This next one I was a bit half-arsed on, but I think it turned out OK. 


It was a lovely strapless dress, one that I've had for at least ten years, and I used to wear the crap out of it. But, alas, as I've aged, my boobs have become relentlessly bigger, and I can no longer wear it without looking obscene. It has become a nice little summery skirt, and I look forward to wearing it in public without anyone calling the police. 

This is another skirt I knocked up out of some fabric I had lying around. It's only got an elasticated waist, but it looks fine as long as I wear it with a top that covers the waistband. This is not a good photo, but trust me when I say that it is very pretty.

And, finally, the one irredeemable item from my bag.

It was a long sleeved t-shirt, and the reason it was in the bag is that, well... it smells. I'm not a smelly person. I have virtually no odour at all. It's one of my few good points. If I had to do internet dating, I would put 'negligable body odour' in my list of pluses.

But there must just be something about the fabric of this top that means that it has absorbed any sweat that ever touched it, and over time it became intolerable. It stinks. 

Which is sad, because I love the colour, I love the shape, I love the fabric. I had hoped to cut the sleeves off and make it into a singlet, but even as I started trimming the sleeves the smell was making me nauseous. I might see if I can make a headband or something out of the body of it, but I'm inclined just to chuck it. Clothes are infinite, after all, and though thrift is a noble thing, stinking like a hobo because you can't let go of an old t-shirt is bordering on mentally questionable behaviour. 

All in all, it's been a productive day. I made my Christmas cake. I cleaned out my fish tank. I ironed all of my and Jo's clothes for next week, something I've never, ever managed to do before. And soon I'm going to get started on tonight's roast dinner. 

It's like women's liberation never happened.

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