Friday, January 27, 2012

Recipes: Tea-Soaked Prunes

I made this a couple of times back when we lived in Spain*, but had forgotten about it til today. The previous tenant of the house we lived in in Pamplona had bequeathed us a cupboard full of exotic teas, and there's only so much roobios and lapsang souchong you can actually drink, and I found this recipe in some Spanish-language thing that I don't clearly remember. It may not even have been a recipe, now that I come to think of it.

Anyway, the point is that this combines delicious prunes (what? I like prunes) with delicious tea, and it is also very good for you as well.

All you do is brew some strong tea of your choice in a jar (teas with floral notes like earl grey work best) and add a few big strips of orange or lemon rind. Once it's cool, chuck in as many prunes as will fit into the jar and leave it to soak for at least two days. 

After that, they go in yoghurt, in cakes, in rice pudding, or whatever prune-friendly thing you happen to be eating. Prunes: not just for your granny.

*and, on an unrelated note, had a very cheese-heavy diet. I'm just saying.

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